Sunday, June 7, 2009

I had so much fun painting this weekend. Sometimes I just feel the need to paint more impressionist, I guess you would call it. The flowers are a more traditional kind of painting . I love the reds and pinks together.

'Sun Spot Cat', I painted while listening to the documentary about Frank Lloyd Wright. That was very interesting.

It is always so nice to be able to find time to paint because that means I am actually sitting down.

This last one I did is not at all like the others. I guess it would be very outsider.

Foster has all his shots for playing outdoors so from time to time he does bring home a little something to show his appreciation. I hate to be so mean about it because they always look so proud.



MyBlueHeaven said...

Naughty Foster!

Cris said...

Oh I love them all Jennifer! The naughty Foster one is so cute. I like the expression on the girl's (your?) face!

Hayley Egan said...

Wow!!!!!! I love them all, but especially the first one? How big are they? X

Hayley Egan said...

p.s it should have been "especially the first one!" not "especially the first one?"

Unknown said...

Very beautiful paintings....Foster looks so cute...

Sonia ;)

Jenny Carter said...

I love the new paintings. Especially the middle one. I have yet to have Buddy bring me anything. Thank god. I hate it too. They are so cute though, arent they?

Stacey said...

I adore your paintings!

I have something for you on my blog :) Have a great day!

k said...

haha i just noticed your allergy awareness ribbon! and i like that cat painting.

Fantastic Figments said...

Look at you .. busy bee.. I admit I cried a little today we a lost the babes painting on ebay. I was at work and couldn't get in time enough to raise my bid. I am really very sad. I hope the person who won enjoy it as much as I did!


Kelly said...

I love them all...
The flowers are gorgeous. Right now my peony hedge is blooming...they're that exact shade of pink.
Aww, Foster...
My cat, Lucy, used to catch mousies and leave them at my bedside. Lovely to wake up, step out of bed barefoot onto a dead mousie...I swear Lucy was laughing at me every time.

Julie said...

These are great! I like the mood they set. Very very sweet!

l said...

I love the lighting in the first picture, it looks so dreamy