I was photo tagged by the lovely
Caroline of Carolines Crafts She has such a sweet blog , please check her out.
This is a photo that was taken last Easter of my dearest Rose and
Nino. As I recall it snowed here and made for a very beautiful day.
I am photo tagging the 6 blogs below. I will be interested to see their photos. You are to pick your 6
th photo from your 6
th folder. This is a fun tag.
Suzi Whitaker at Art with a touch of WhimsyHayley Judith EganMicki at The Art HermitCris at Mommy's Midwest MountainJenny at Wonders of WhimsyPistacchio E Nocciola
Then I was awarded the Lemonade Stand award from the Wonder Woman Jenny of Wonders of Whimsy. She does such wonderful work saving kitties. Please stop by her blog. She is Raffling off one of her handcrafted dolls to fund her cause. Check it out at :
Wonders of WhimsyAlley Cat RescueOr
Art By JennyLast but not least I was given the
Kreative Blogger award from
Micki at The Art Hermit. She has such a cute blog and just updated her
Etsy shop so check it out. I was also given this award by my very talented sister
Cris from Mommy's Midwest Mountain. She paints the cutest cats so go check her out too.

I have to list the 7 things I love and then 7 other people who I think deserve this award
1. I love my family of course and I love the sound of my kids playing nicely together.
2. I love avocados. I could eat them everyday in various ways.
3. I love painting, obviously. I even love painting rooms.
4. I love summer and spending most of my day outside.
5. I love cats, even when they are a little naughty.
6. I love that tired worn out feeling of accomplishing a big project outside, like putting a new garden in or something fun like that.
7. I love that first feeling of hitting the bed at night.
So now here are seven very creative people in no particular order .
Please check them out if you have not already. :)
Sonia at The Dark Ravens NestLinda CardinaAudrey EclecticSarah at Cottage Garden StudioOotyJulie at The Art and Life of the Ruby NestAmy at The Heart of a Seed