I also have several get togethers here this weekend. Today, tonight, tomorrow night and of course Super Bowel Sunday! Lots of cleaning. Mostly internal cleaning to get to the external cleaning and toy rotation that has not been done since Christmas. All of you with kids know what that means. Ugh. That does not mean that I have not painted this week. That is usually what calms me. Exception, this one. Every so often I think I am going to be able to paint my kids. NO It does not work. I try and try. Moving features around back and forth , up and down. Couldn't do it. I wasn't about to waste all of my hard work! Voila!! A mask was the only solution. Ha ha. Mardi Gras Anyone? Ha ha. Have a great weekend. Be safe Sunday to all of you Football fans. Jennifer
PS Here is Foster so scared of Rose in her mask. I think he thinks she is a big cat. Ha ha