Starry Sky and Moon, By none other than the fabulous Nino.
I am so glad it is Friday! This has been a long week. Now that school is in, I have little time to blog. Home School takes up most of my day, My kitchen is torn apart and that makes everything take longer. Yesterday, Rose's Preschool teacher made a house visit to meet her for the first time at home. Preschool house visit. Wow! Her teacher was very nice and Rose took to her right away. I thought she was cool because her son worked on the set of the Pirate's of the Caribbean movies for three years. Too Cool. One of my favorite movie series of all time. Last night I thought we would have been able to work on the lights for the kitchen, unfortunately instead my husband had to fix the garbage disposal because I accidental poured fish gravel down it when cleaning the fish bowls. Learned my lesson to always put the strainer in when doing that. I always have to tell myself twice to remove the fish first too. I can just see myself pouring them down the sink with the water one of these days. Ugh.
Finally I will end with one of my favorite drawings done by Rose, about a year ago. This is still taped on my pantry door. Must get this in a proper frame. There is my collection. I hope to some day add more artists to my collection.

Have a wonderful Friday!