This is my "Fall Frida". One more Frida and then that is it for a long time again.
She is up on ebay.
We spent our Saturday at a "Pirate Fest". I have never seen so many pirates in my life. I could not tell the regular people from the actors. It was really an amazing event and very fun. Lots of good people watching for sure. We will have to make it back next year.
They had a scavenger hunt for the children. One item on the list was a feather from the parrot rescue tent. Here is Rose holding one.
Here is Nino with one of the most real looking pirates in the middle. I am thinking on a regular day I might cross the street if I passed this man on the sidewalk if you know what I mean. Very interesting poeple and it really brought you back to what it might have been like.
Here is another painting I did this weekend. It is a big 16X20. Not sure what I might do with it yet. I will need to find a box if I list it. 
Hmmmm, I will have to think about that one.