Friday, July 3, 2009

Oh, Cris! I too saw fairies in my yard hiding behind these, but when I came back with my camera they were gone.

One even had a long sewing needle in her hand calling out "Mouldy!"



MyBlueHeaven said...

omg! you both are crazy.

Silke Powers said...

Oh, how funny! Love those mushrooms... And the sweet mermaids from your previous post. Just adorable! :) Silke

Cris said...

Those fairies are so fast, aren't they? I wish I would have been able to take a picture of the one I saw, that's why I had to hurry up and paint her before I forgot what she looked like!

Did your kids enjoy that book, "The Mouldy"?

America Alcala said...

I love the color of those mushrooms!:)

Micki Wilde said...

Ha ha i've just been to Cris's blog too!
You have some very funky looking mushrooms there!!

Micki x

Amariah said...

I love the mushroom pics!

GlorV1 said...

Just wanted to say, thank you for following me. I too follow you and will enjoy reading your posts. I like your profile about how your Grandmother painted. Isn't it wonderful to know that someone you loved who is gone left you with such talent. Grandmother's are the best. Have a great Sunday.

Unknown said...

Love the mushrooms and the pictures. Have a grand week.

Sonia ;)

Janine said...

These must be mushrooms from the other world.
I never saw mushrooms like that before.

nollyposh said...

oooooh i thought i saw thwm tOO!!! X;-)