Sunday, December 28, 2008

Bath Time for the Babes

Here are some pics of my little girl with our new cat. He is so fascinated with bath time. I did not catch him fast enough this time and he jumped right in! Luckily the water was just to his belly. Wonder if he will do it again? I don't know if you can tell how WET his legs are! He really didn't seem to mind the water. We still do not have an official name for him yet. We mostly just call him kitten. Is that sad? We can not all agree on a name just yet and nothing really feels right. I guess it will come to us eventually. Oh, and Tamale and him are already starting to play together. I am so happy about that. I can't wait to see them snuggle together. They are inching closer and closer.

We had a very jam packed Christmas this year. My husband's side always has a few parties the week of Christmas and then last night was spent over at my sister Cris's house . Parties are always magical over there. It was especially fun feeding the raccoons and a very interesting , to say the least, assortment of opossums. Wish I had a picture of that!

Hope you all had a wonderful Holiday!



Cris said...

Crazy Kitty!! I am posting some pictures from last night on my blog. Come see! It was fun...and I heard Anthony didn't have any allergy problems! Yippee!

Cinzia said...

Happy new year!!!
Hugs and kisses,

Ooty said...

=0) cute! My cat loves to bath!! so I guess not all cats hates water:)
Happy new year!

Unknown said...

Oh so very wonderful pictures . .
I love new pets and all of their cuteness and surprises!

Jenny Carter said...

oh how cute. Shadow jumped in our hug tub once when the bubbes covered the entire top. I think she thought she could walk on it. She has not tried it since. lol

Anonymous said...

How sweet.Your daughter is so cute. I remember when mine were young.My one cat about 1 year old now he did the same thing.I dont think he was sure either that there was water in the tub lol.Have a Happy New Year!

Christopher A. Klingler said...


Wishing you a GREAT New Years!!!

PS: Great kitty pics. '-)

Spooky Best,
Chris :-)

Flor Larios Art said...

Beautiful cat! Looks like a little tiger.
Have a happy new year!

Fantastic Figments said...

AWWWW so cute. Cris is definately right crazy crazy.. haha I don't think I have ever seen a cat get that close to water on purpose! How fun.

I am sure kitty will bring lots of happiness!


Amy Gethins Sullivan said...

~That's o.k.~
We have a darling girl doggy~
We'v had her for 4 years now~
And~ she just stayed "Puppy"~ sometimes "Pup-Pup"~
But~ it really does suit her~
I can't really remember what we thought we were going to call her~
I think~ "Gabby"~
But~ Pup-Pup, she stayed~
We had our big family get together on Sunday~
It was very nice~
Happy New Year!~

Femin Susan said...

Your blog is really interesting... Keep posting.... Wishing you " A Happy New Year''