Thursday, September 1, 2011

It's time. 


Micki Wilde said...

I can't believe it's that time but it sure is :)

Fabulous painting, perfect for this time of year!!

claire barone art said...

how I love your wich paintings hope you will do more ........... hope you are well Jen Raph goes back to school next week so all back to normal have a great day xxxx

Heather said...

oooh I love them! I'm so glad autumn is at our doorstep!~

MyBlueHeaven said...

I'm scared.

Clare said...

love this painting - I've been thinking about witches recently, the spells they cast (good ones of course) and the rituals they do - mmm mysterious, hidden and just a little bit forbidden.

vivienne strauss said...

I ADORE this!!

Heather Henry said...

I love, love, love this! :)

Lauren said...

This painting is just amazing!! I am definitely starting to feel fall in the air a little bit, it is so lovely :) ~Lauren