I just listed this painting on Etsy. It is called "Fishy, Fishy in a Brook", Daddy catch it with a hook. Mama fry it in a pan and baby, baby eat it like a man. I always loved when my Dad would sing that to me when I was little.
I also want to thank everyone for the kitty advice. I am trying to let go of my fears and see what happens as they get together. I told the kids the other night that he will either, kill her, eat her or kiss her. I don't know which. Nino was like, if he ate her wouldn't that be killing her. NO. He could eat her alive, like just her ear.
This week I went and got my hair cut off. I did not exactly ask for it. I thought I had way more than this when I went in. I guess I was too wishy washy in the chair and she decide to take it all off. After I went home I remembered that my husband likes longer hair. Oops. I pretty much look like a boy right now, but it is kind of fun.