This guy interrupted me though. This is a copperhead, literally, it is just the head. With the help of my dad we removed it to keep the family safe. I hated to ruin the snakes day like that. He was just basking in the sun, but much too fresh was the memory of my niece being rushed to the emergency room for one of these bites. If you click on the picture to make it bigger you can see how really long these fangs are. They eject out and can go through a pretty thick shoe. I know because I have seen it happen. The slit eyes are the eyes of a poisonous snake so stay away from these eyes. Round eyes are not poisonous.
Here he is before.

We also had a school Spring Fling party.

And a first baseball game.
I did mange to get some painting in. I really want to paint like my Grandma did. I just never give myself time to learn how. I am going to start to TRY to paint some stills and landscapes each week along with what I normally do. Here is my rose in a tea cup. Don't laugh. :) Tamale of course had to drink .