I have several little devil paintings coming down the pike. For some reason Valentine's and little devils just go together for me. I always picture little devils stealing hearts.
The other day my little girl Rose had mentioned to me AGAIN how she hates art class at school. I asked her why? And she said because they make her stay in the lines and make her follow the rules.
I must explain that Rose has always been one to want to go out of the lines, if you know what I mean. So I just explained that I am sure the art teacher is just trying to show you all the different ways to make art and you really should listen and do what she says there, but when you come home you can use what you learned and do whatever you want. They do come home with some pretty fantastic art projects. I wouldn't mind taking her class. Hee hee. I can see though how some children might walk away from art class thinking they hate art or that they can't do art.
I just keep reminding her that there is NO right or wrong to art.

Speaking of art work....if you have never seen "In the Realms of the Unreal" a documentary on Henry Darger. I recommend. I am sure many of you have already seem this. Wow, very interesting .

Before I go, I thought I would share a picture that I took over the Christmas Holiday. My sweet

Anthony sleeping like an angel after a late party.

But then you look a little closer at what he had to take out of his pockets before slipping into bed.
I know you Moms with boys understand. What's in your 7 year old son's pockets? Ha ha.