This is my "Motherhood 2" painting. I did one like this a few years ago. You can see it on my flickr.
I am currently reading "The Little House in the Big Woods" by Laura Ingalls Wilder to my babes. I feel a little bad because every night they ask me, "WHY would I read them something so scary?" I tell them that is what it was like back then. I think it might be a little bit more scary for them knowing they are surrounded by their own woods. We do not have bears or panthers though, but I have heard a bobcat cry.
The best part so far was the expression on Rose's face when I read her this......
"Mary was bigger than Laura, and she had a rag doll named Nettie. Laura had only a corncob wrapped in a handkerchief, but it was a good doll. It was named Susan. It wasn't Susan's fault that she was only a corncob."